Thursday, January 7, 2010


Hey, some text for a change.
Below is Ridley and Cheyan. As you know, they are two of my own favorite characters. I've entered them in the next round in War for Arcadia. It's a battle forum that pits comic artist against comic artist. Or multiple artists tag teaming against others. I was skeptic at first. But after diving right into it last month. It is A LOT of fun.
Each round has its deadlines--much like the dreaded real world.
It works great if you don't have a lot going on in the aforementioned real world. Which is ideal for me.
As most of you know, I am sort of taking my time. I have a medical issue that I'm living with temporarily. The time is coming to where I must go in for a secondary/final surgery. I truly hope it does not occur when the next round in WfA go up. I really do not want to miss it.

For the next Round. I am mostly using a new program I recently discovered. Paint Tool SAI.
The process:

Paint Tool SAI or pencil/paper.

Thumbnails. I can't stress that enough. Thumbnail your pages/panels first. You don't always have to go with what you initially sketched out. It's always pending.
Sketching. It's either traditional sketches or digital sketches because of the WACOM Cintiq. It just depends on my mood or if my eyes are too sore to stare at a screen.
Inking. I do this primarily on the Cintiq. My hand is too shaky for traditional inks.
Colors. Again, with the Cintiq.
Sketch in backgrounds. Ink if necessary.

Switch to Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended.

Lay out the pages.
Add panels/gutters/word bubbles/text. Play with levels/saturation.
Add a million lens flares.

Print for the wall behind me.
Resize for web.

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