Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stuff coming

So I have a lot on my mind when it comes to my illness. Crohn's Disease is such a thorn in my side. Quite literally.
But my mother brought this to my attention:

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), a bacterium which is associated with disease in animals has been found in Crohn's disease patients. Could this be the cause?

At least 600,000 Americans have Chron's Disease. I am one of them.
The source of the disease is still unknown--they say it could be hereditary. But what if this MAP is the source? Treat that and Chron's Disease may be cured... Just sayin'.

Bringing this up to my doctor seems like a good idea. Though, I should be wary about what I eat nowadays. I'll have to stay away from certain types of dairy and meats.
I'm waiting on the results from my procedure yesterday.

In the meantime, I'm boring Ridley with this type of lingo.


  1. Crohn's Disease eh? That's rough, man. Hope you get well soon.

  2. dude thats really sad, chrone is aweful.
    the MAP fact is interesting and surely worth a try. i really hope that path is working!
    but remember that its most likely not the solution since a factor too is heritage. nevertheless, lessen the symptomes might be a big deal here.
    I wish you and all you Chrone comrades good luck.
    You deserve it.
